Traffic Safety in Enterprises

Publishdate:2019-12-30  Source:  Views:74

On December 27, 2019, our company invited Hefei City Traffic Police Detachment Political Office Tang Director and Yaohai Detachment Zhou Pei police officer to carry out traffic safety knowledge lectures, the guest speaker Zhou Pei police officer has won the Ministry of Public Security Traffic Safety Presenter Competition won awards, and is the Hefei City Learning Thunderbolt publicity speaker, Zhou police officer through his own professional for us to present a wonderful traffic safety knowledge lectures, the meeting was packed, and everyone actively spoke and formed a very good interaction with the police. The audience was full of people, everyone actively spoke, and formed a very good interaction with Officer Zhou. Officer Zhou's wonderful speech let everyone learn a lot of knowledge related to traffic at the same time, more is to give everyone in the mind to set up a safe driving awareness, always keep in mind traffic safety!


On December 27, 2019, our company invited Hefei City Traffic Police Detachment Political Office Tang Director and Yaohai Detachment Zhou Pei police officer to carry out traffic safety knowledge lectures, the guest speaker Zhou Pei police officer has won the Ministry of Public Security Traffic Safety Presenter Competition won awards, and is the Hefei City Learning Thunderbolt publicity speaker, Zhou police officer through his own professional for us to present a wonderful traffic safety knowledge lectures, the meeting was packed, and everyone actively spoke and formed a very good interaction with the police. The audience was full of people, everyone actively spoke, and formed a very good interaction with Officer Zhou. Officer Zhou's wonderful speech let everyone learn a lot of knowledge related to traffic at the same time, more is to give everyone in the mind to set up a safe driving awareness, always keep in mind traffic safety!
