Review Action Passing on Innovation Creating a Continuous Learning Organization

Publishdate:2023-02-06  Source:  Views:67

Review Action Pass on Innovation Create Continuous Learning Organization

--& Ology 2022 Annual Specialized Training for All Employees

Ology is a project-based mode of operation of the enterprise, the project is distributed throughout the country, most of the employees are out for many years, in order to further enhance the company's staff to the enterprise's understanding of the year's operating culture, improve the professional quality and skill level, to build cross-departmental nature of the communication opportunities, January 14, 2023 to January 18, the theme of the annual special training for the review of the action, inheritance and innovation in the Multimedia classroom on the fourth floor of the office building in Ology's high-tech zone. This training is mainly divided into two categories: company-level annual training and engineering center annual internal training.

Strengthen skills learning, help design efficiency. January 14 to January 15 for two days of "CAD design efficiency training", the training is to invite external teachers through the classroom teaching and practical exercises to carry out, focusing on CAD dynamic blocks, the use of tools and options boards, external references, axonometric drawings, and other aspects of the drawing efficiency of the technicians to carry out special training to improve.

In the morning of January 17th, the company-level consultant teacher specially carried out the "technical capital exchange", based on the analysis of the design institute's capital mode, on-site exploration and standardization of the enterprise's own capital mechanism, so as to enhance the efficiency and quality of work.

Strengthen the cultural propaganda, unified work action. January 16 afternoon "the company's annual business culture core content propaganda" mainly from the development history, business status, strategic planning, cultural refining, general manager of the annual business philosophy refining propaganda and combined with the company's coordinating meeting and other proposed business culture focused on propaganda, so that the staff to understand the company's cultural strategy and development direction, unified work action for the work of 2023 to enhance the foundation. Lay the foundation.

January 18th morning by the safety and quality supervision department of Yue Xianwen manager of the lecture "2022 project assessment safety and quality case analysis", combined with the 2022 project assessment, project assessment of the events summarized and refined, the whole project to share, give full play to the safety and quality of the case of safety and quality in the safety and quality management of the role of the warning, the role of inheritance, alarm bells ringing, the safety and quality case -- "bad" into a useful "good", so that the staff from: "fearless" to "good", so that the staff from: "fearless" to "good". --Bad things" into useful "good things", so that the staff from: "ignorant and fearless", to "Knowledge and fear". So that employees in the safety and quality of the case to learn from experience and lessons, to avoid encountering the safety and quality of the problem can not start, reduce the potential risk of work.

Strengthen the combination of learning and use, and promote the implementation of work. Engineering Center's annual internal training program "management, production and construction personnel personnel system function introduction and explanation", "material acceptance standards and seminars" training, mainly combined with the actual experience of the project to share, for the upcoming online construction personnel system how to help project management how to operate, on the development of standards to promote. Learning to behavior transformation, learning to use, so as to promote the implementation of project management personnel work on the ground.

The orderly development of this training, so that Ology all personnel have a deeper understanding of the value of enterprise management, culture-oriented, and at the same time on the job job skills, efficiency enhancement also played an annual boost, built a rare annual cross-sectoral communication and exchange opportunities for Ology 2023 annual comprehensive standardization of construction, high-performance implementation, strategy and culture to promote the laying of a solid foundation.

Ology is about to enter the 20th anniversary, 20 years, the enterprise has always adhered to meet customer needs, exceed customer expectations, and constantly improve customer experience for business purposes, won the brewing, food, biopharmaceuticals, fine chemicals business field of many leading enterprises in the recognition of customers, so that the enterprise in the epidemic three years under the performance of the high growth, accelerate the enterprise's three major business segments of intelligent process systems design and Intelligent equipment go hand in hand, rapid development. In the face of 20 years of accumulation and precipitation, the enterprise always use the review thinking, in a good summary of experience, emphasizing the basis of inheritance and innovation, better build a perfect talent system structure, to ensure the long-term high-quality development of the enterprise at the same time, to better meet the needs of the customer, requirements, and strive to make itself a first-class industrial system technology and service experts, to lead the development of the industry.

In the face of the road ahead, Ology people are not afraid of difficulties, full of confidence, 2023, everything is possible! We go all the way together!

Review Action Pass on Innovation Create Continuous Learning Organization

--& Ology 2022 Annual Specialized Training for All Employees

Ology is a project-based mode of operation of the enterprise, the project is distributed throughout the country, most of the employees are out for many years, in order to further enhance the company's staff to the enterprise's understanding of the year's operating culture, improve the professional quality and skill level, to build cross-departmental nature of the communication opportunities, January 14, 2023 to January 18, the theme of the annual special training for the review of the action, inheritance and innovation in the Multimedia classroom on the fourth floor of the office building in Ology's high-tech zone. This training is mainly divided into two categories: company-level annual training and engineering center annual internal training.

Strengthen skills learning, help design efficiency. January 14 to January 15 for two days of "CAD design efficiency training", the training is to invite external teachers through the classroom teaching and practical exercises to carry out, focusing on CAD dynamic blocks, the use of tools and options boards, external references, axonometric drawings, and other aspects of the drawing efficiency of the technicians to carry out special training to improve.

In the morning of January 17th, the company-level consultant teacher specially carried out the "technical capital exchange", based on the analysis of the design institute's capital mode, on-site exploration and standardization of the enterprise's own capital mechanism, so as to enhance the efficiency and quality of work.

Strengthen the cultural propaganda, unified work action. January 16 afternoon "the company's annual business culture core content propaganda" mainly from the development history, business status, strategic planning, cultural refining, general manager of the annual business philosophy refining propaganda and combined with the company's coordinating meeting and other proposed business culture focused on propaganda, so that the staff to understand the company's cultural strategy and development direction, unified work action for the work of 2023 to enhance the foundation. Lay the foundation.

January 18th morning by the safety and quality supervision department of Yue Xianwen manager of the lecture "2022 project assessment safety and quality case analysis", combined with the 2022 project assessment, project assessment of the events summarized and refined, the whole project to share, give full play to the safety and quality of the case of safety and quality in the safety and quality management of the role of the warning, the role of inheritance, alarm bells ringing, the safety and quality case -- "bad" into a useful "good", so that the staff from: "fearless" to "good", so that the staff from: "fearless" to "good". --Bad things" into useful "good things", so that the staff from: "ignorant and fearless", to "Knowledge and fear". So that employees in the safety and quality of the case to learn from experience and lessons, to avoid encountering the safety and quality of the problem can not start, reduce the potential risk of work.

Strengthen the combination of learning and use, and promote the implementation of work. Engineering Center's annual internal training program "management, production and construction personnel personnel system function introduction and explanation", "material acceptance standards and seminars" training, mainly combined with the actual experience of the project to share, for the upcoming online construction personnel system how to help project management how to operate, on the development of standards to promote. Learning to behavior transformation, learning to use, so as to promote the implementation of project management personnel work on the ground.

The orderly development of this training, so that Ology all personnel have a deeper understanding of the value of enterprise management, culture-oriented, and at the same time on the job job skills, efficiency enhancement also played an annual boost, built a rare annual cross-sectoral communication and exchange opportunities for Ology 2023 annual comprehensive standardization of construction, high-performance implementation, strategy and culture to promote the laying of a solid foundation.

Ology is about to enter the 20th anniversary, 20 years, the enterprise has always adhered to meet customer needs, exceed customer expectations, and constantly improve customer experience for business purposes, won the brewing, food, biopharmaceuticals, fine chemicals business field of many leading enterprises in the recognition of customers, so that the enterprise in the epidemic three years under the performance of the high growth, accelerate the enterprise's three major business segments of intelligent process systems design and Intelligent equipment go hand in hand, rapid development. In the face of 20 years of accumulation and precipitation, the enterprise always use the review thinking, in a good summary of experience, emphasizing the basis of inheritance and innovation, better build a perfect talent system structure, to ensure the long-term high-quality development of the enterprise at the same time, to better meet the needs of the customer, requirements, and strive to make itself a first-class industrial system technology and service experts, to lead the development of the industry.

In the face of the road ahead, Ology people are not afraid of difficulties, full of confidence, 2023, everything is possible! We go all the way together!