Continuing the spirit of professionalism to create "European" style skilled personnel

Publishdate:2023-07-05  Source:  Views:64

Continuing Professionalism, Creating "Ou" Style Skilled Talents

-- Ology 2023 Skill Reserve Talent Induction and Training Special Reports

Fresh clothes and angry horse when young, not to live up to Shaohua line and know.

June is the season of harvest and sowing. Along with the graduation season, the company ushered in fresh blood, namely 28 skill reserve talents on board. In order to help new employees understand, integrate and adapt to the work as soon as possible, from June 27 to June 29, the company held a three-day special training for the first and second level new employees.

June 26 at 9:00 a.m., the new employees arrived at the company's second floor training center, in the reception of the Department of Personnel and Administration of the new employees to fill out the registration form for the job, for the entry, the arrangement of the engineering center staff accommodation. In order to let the new employees to integrate into the role more quickly, the Department of Personnel and Administration for the new employees to explain the enterprise information in detail, at the same time docked with the person in charge of each department, clear training after the work arrangements.

The Strategy and Operation Department explained in detail the development history, corporate structure, functions and main business of the company for the new employees. At the same time, it systematically explained the development strategy and goals of the enterprise, which provided a powerful condition for new employees to understand the development of the company more deeply.

In order to let the new employees complete the identity transition from students to employees as soon as possible, the HR and Administration Department not only gave a comprehensive explanation on the company's corporate culture, talent cultivation mode and career development, promotion path, salary and benefits, but also gave detailed explanation and discussion on the professional mentality and work methods, career planning, workplace behavior and etiquette, highlighting the fact that "without courtesy, no life will be created, and without courtesy, no work will be done". It highlights the cultural root of "without manners, a man cannot be born, without manners, nothing can be done, and without manners, the country will not be peaceful", and enables new employees to set their career goals, establish correct values, and make clear the importance of knowing and abiding by manners at the beginning of their entry into the company.

In the afternoon of June 27th, under the leadership of the Safety and Quality Supervision Department, the new employees gained a deep understanding of the concept of safety and quality policy, self-rescue and mutual-help, quality control, and the company's supervision and assessment standards, and at the same time, a relevant safety video warning was played. In order to better consolidate the safety awareness of the new employees, a three-level safety education test was also conducted for the new employees.

In the morning of June 28th, the person in charge of manufacturing center and engineering center shared important working experience for new employees, who actively participated in the training with high enthusiasm and actively asked questions. The new employees actively participated in the training and asked questions with great enthusiasm. The old and new employees interacted with each other, shared their experiences and learned from each other. At the same time also emphasized the safety production problems .

Through all aspects of systematic training and learning, not only let the new staff to Ology more in-depth understanding of the job knowledge, technical skills of a more thorough understanding of their own and the development of the enterprise is full of hope, but also for the new employees to join the Ology family laid a solid foundation for this new journey.

In order to further pull in the sense of distance between new employees and old employees, and fully show the interests of new employees, under the initiative of Personnel and Administration Department, the company's Basketball Association (I'm crazy about the ball OLOGY) and the new employees after 00 carried out a friendly basketball competition after work on June 30th. The game process was very exciting, new and old players output vigorously, showing speed and passion, energetic.

New employees are the new blood of the enterprise, the reserve force of the enterprise development. Peng Beihai, phoenix sunrise, and with the book sword road, looking forward to 28 new employees in the new road will be vocational skills of the book sword, from specialization to refinement, from refinement to multi-functionality, to become a business field of competence, strong hand, in Ology this warm family to achieve personal ideals and aspirations, in the roaming career to shine!

Continuing Professionalism, Creating "Ou" Style Skilled Talents

-- Ology 2023 Skill Reserve Talent Induction and Training Special Reports

Fresh clothes and angry horse when young, not to live up to Shaohua line and know.

June is the season of harvest and sowing. Along with the graduation season, the company ushered in fresh blood, namely 28 skill reserve talents on board. In order to help new employees understand, integrate and adapt to the work as soon as possible, from June 27 to June 29, the company held a three-day special training for the first and second level new employees.

June 26 at 9:00 a.m., the new employees arrived at the company's second floor training center, in the reception of the Department of Personnel and Administration of the new employees to fill out the registration form for the job, for the entry, the arrangement of the engineering center staff accommodation. In order to let the new employees to integrate into the role more quickly, the Department of Personnel and Administration for the new employees to explain the enterprise information in detail, at the same time docked with the person in charge of each department, clear training after the work arrangements.

The Strategy and Operation Department explained in detail the development history, corporate structure, functions and main business of the company for the new employees. At the same time, it systematically explained the development strategy and goals of the enterprise, which provided a powerful condition for new employees to understand the development of the company more deeply.

In order to let the new employees complete the identity transition from students to employees as soon as possible, the HR and Administration Department not only gave a comprehensive explanation on the company's corporate culture, talent cultivation mode and career development, promotion path, salary and benefits, but also gave detailed explanation and discussion on the professional mentality and work methods, career planning, workplace behavior and etiquette, highlighting the fact that "without courtesy, no life will be created, and without courtesy, no work will be done". It highlights the cultural root of "without manners, a man cannot be born, without manners, nothing can be done, and without manners, the country will not be peaceful", and enables new employees to set their career goals, establish correct values, and make clear the importance of knowing and abiding by manners at the beginning of their entry into the company.

In the afternoon of June 27th, under the leadership of the Safety and Quality Supervision Department, the new employees gained a deep understanding of the concept of safety and quality policy, self-rescue and mutual-help, quality control, and the company's supervision and assessment standards, and at the same time, a relevant safety video warning was played. In order to better consolidate the safety awareness of the new employees, a three-level safety education test was also conducted for the new employees.

In the morning of June 28th, the person in charge of manufacturing center and engineering center shared important working experience for new employees, who actively participated in the training with high enthusiasm and actively asked questions. The new employees actively participated in the training and asked questions with great enthusiasm. The old and new employees interacted with each other, shared their experiences and learned from each other. At the same time also emphasized the safety production problems .

Through all aspects of systematic training and learning, not only let the new staff to Ology more in-depth understanding of the job knowledge, technical skills of a more thorough understanding of their own and the development of the enterprise is full of hope, but also for the new employees to join the Ology family laid a solid foundation for this new journey.

In order to further pull in the sense of distance between new employees and old employees, and fully show the interests of new employees, under the initiative of Personnel and Administration Department, the company's Basketball Association (I'm crazy about the ball OLOGY) and the new employees after 00 carried out a friendly basketball competition after work on June 30th. The game process was very exciting, new and old players output vigorously, showing speed and passion, energetic.

New employees are the new blood of the enterprise, the reserve force of the enterprise development. Peng Beihai, phoenix sunrise, and with the book sword road, looking forward to 28 new employees in the new road will be vocational skills of the book sword, from specialization to refinement, from refinement to multi-functionality, to become a business field of competence, strong hand, in Ology this warm family to achieve personal ideals and aspirations, in the roaming career to shine!