New year, new journey, Ology people whole again, hand in hand towards a better ......

Publishdate:2022-02-08  Source:  Views:74

  -Cum Hefei Ology annual staff debriefing and annual staff merit recognition meeting

  The tiger leaps and the dragon rises with purple energy, and the wind and the rain promise a good year! Farewell to the unforgettable Xinchou year and usher in the brand-new Nonin year. On the occasion of this New Year, in order to review, review and share the struggle of Ology in 2021, and to look forward to, plan and take action on the new journey of Ology in 2022, on January 27th, 2022, the annual report and commendation meeting of all Ology was grandly held in Hefei Gujing Holiday Hotel! General Manager Mr. Chen, Deputy General Manager Mr. Xu with the company's department heads and all Ology family members attended this annual meeting.

  At the annual meeting, representatives from various departments and projects filmed and edited the team's Chinese New Year blessing video scrolling, the scene atmosphere is warm, overflowing with the joy and happiness of all family members of Ology.

  The meeting kicked off with a warm New Year's speech by Mr. Xu, the deputy general manager of the company. Reviewed the heart of Ology 2021 development process, affirmed the brilliant achievements of the company and various departments in 2021, looked forward to and firmly believe that Ology one step at a time, one year a new height.

  The first item of the meeting: the host released the 2021 Ology honors and big events and read the 2021 evaluation of the red-head document decision, reviewing the big events and honors along the way in 2021, Ology people are incredibly excited and emotional.

  The second item of the meeting: the first batch of internal lecturers of Ology 10 people, by the general manager of the company on-site letter of appointment, and on-site awards for the 12 winners of the enterprise "to enhance the PPT skills to draw a good enterprise publicity chapter to tell a good enterprise brand story" activities.

  This annual meeting is mainly divided into annual duty reporting as well as annual commendation and awarding, which are interspersed in turn. Ology department heads carefully prepared, each department's duty report, enthusiastic, passionate, are a temperature, height, content, connotation of the audio-visual feast meal, was highly recognized by the site company leaders, for the participation of all Ology family members is also a rare opportunity for comprehensive learning, communication.

  Ology's development can not be separated from the hard work of all Ology's family members, can not be separated from the joint efforts of all Ology's family members, every effort, every cultivation, every return, Ology will bear in mind; in order to thank all employees for a year's work, set up a corporate team of advanced, benchmarking, and practicing Ology's corporate culture with practical actions to actively create positive energy in the enterprise. 2021 Priority Assessment total In 2021, we set up 13 awards, such as Ten Years of Common Practice, Best Growth and Progress Award, Master Teacher Award, Safety and Quality Pioneer Award, Outstanding Team, Outstanding Employee, Sales Champion Award, etc., and a total of 40 employees and teams were awarded, and they were all awarded one by one at the site of the annual meeting. On the scene, the company set up warm, strong and high award speech for each award and excellent staff and team, and all staff listened to it to make progress together.

  At the end of the meeting, Mr. Chen, the general manager of the company, personally went on the stage to give a speech. Mr. Chen made an outlook for 2022 and put forward the corporate goals about 2022, which inspired all Ology people to work hand in hand to move forward and create a better future again. Mr. Chen emphasized that: we should establish corporate vision, remember the mission, and adhere to the values; we should change the mindset of the whole staff, and continue to improve and innovate; we should focus on improving the sense of customer experience; we should constantly optimize the talents, and all the businesses must be developed in high quality in 2022.

  At the end of the meeting, all Ology family members shared the New Year's Eve dinner in the conference hotel to welcome the festive season. The New Year's Eve dinner officially started at 19:18, symbolizing that Ology sends off the past 18 years and ushers in the brand new 19th year. General manager Mr. Chen once again sent his holiday greetings to the family members of the engineering center who are always away from home through this New Year's Eve dinner, and one by one, he toasted to the team of each department one by one to express his affirmation and thanks. The sumptuous New Year's Eve dinner, active atmosphere and sweet chocolate accompanying gifts all made all the family members of Ology feel the warmth and beauty of Ology's big family.

  2021, is a milestone year in the development history of Ology, the company has achieved many honors and achievements ...... but all the honors and performance has been past, 2022, Ology business need to be higher quality, higher speed innovation forward, the new year, a new journey, Ology people gear up again, hand in hand towards a better future! ......, because Ology people have light in their eyes, dreams in their hearts, and power under their feet, Ology people firmly believe that Ology's tomorrow will be even better! Let's all Ology people concentrate, not forgetting the original heart, remembering the mission, and move forward bravely! Ology, go for it! Ology people, come on!

  -Cum Hefei Ology annual staff debriefing and annual staff merit recognition meeting

  The tiger leaps and the dragon rises with purple energy, and the wind and the rain promise a good year! Farewell to the unforgettable Xinchou year and usher in the brand-new Nonin year. On the occasion of this New Year, in order to review, review and share the struggle of Ology in 2021, and to look forward to, plan and take action on the new journey of Ology in 2022, on January 27th, 2022, the annual report and commendation meeting of all Ology was grandly held in Hefei Gujing Holiday Hotel! General Manager Mr. Chen, Deputy General Manager Mr. Xu with the company's department heads and all Ology family members attended this annual meeting.

  At the annual meeting, representatives from various departments and projects filmed and edited the team's Chinese New Year blessing video scrolling, the scene atmosphere is warm, overflowing with the joy and happiness of all family members of Ology.

  The meeting kicked off with a warm New Year's speech by Mr. Xu, the deputy general manager of the company. Reviewed the heart of Ology 2021 development process, affirmed the brilliant achievements of the company and various departments in 2021, looked forward to and firmly believe that Ology one step at a time, one year a new height.

  The first item of the meeting: the host released the 2021 Ology honors and big events and read the 2021 evaluation of the red-head document decision, reviewing the big events and honors along the way in 2021, Ology people are incredibly excited and emotional.

  The second item of the meeting: the first batch of internal lecturers of Ology 10 people, by the general manager of the company on-site letter of appointment, and on-site awards for the 12 winners of the enterprise "to enhance the PPT skills to draw a good enterprise publicity chapter to tell a good enterprise brand story" activities.

  This annual meeting is mainly divided into annual duty reporting as well as annual commendation and awarding, which are interspersed in turn. Ology department heads carefully prepared, each department's duty report, enthusiastic, passionate, are a temperature, height, content, connotation of the audio-visual feast meal, was highly recognized by the site company leaders, for the participation of all Ology family members is also a rare opportunity for comprehensive learning, communication.

  Ology's development can not be separated from the hard work of all Ology's family members, can not be separated from the joint efforts of all Ology's family members, every effort, every cultivation, every return, Ology will bear in mind; in order to thank all employees for a year's work, set up a corporate team of advanced, benchmarking, and practicing Ology's corporate culture with practical actions to actively create positive energy in the enterprise. 2021 Priority Assessment total In 2021, we set up 13 awards, such as Ten Years of Common Practice, Best Growth and Progress Award, Master Teacher Award, Safety and Quality Pioneer Award, Outstanding Team, Outstanding Employee, Sales Champion Award, etc., and a total of 40 employees and teams were awarded, and they were all awarded one by one at the site of the annual meeting. On the scene, the company set up warm, strong and high award speech for each award and excellent staff and team, and all staff listened to it to make progress together.

  At the end of the meeting, Mr. Chen, the general manager of the company, personally went on the stage to give a speech. Mr. Chen made an outlook for 2022 and put forward the corporate goals about 2022, which inspired all Ology people to work hand in hand to move forward and create a better future again. Mr. Chen emphasized that: we should establish corporate vision, remember the mission, and adhere to the values; we should change the mindset of the whole staff, and continue to improve and innovate; we should focus on improving the sense of customer experience; we should constantly optimize the talents, and all the businesses must be developed in high quality in 2022.

  At the end of the meeting, all Ology family members shared the New Year's Eve dinner in the conference hotel to welcome the festive season. The New Year's Eve dinner officially started at 19:18, symbolizing that Ology sends off the past 18 years and ushers in the brand new 19th year. General manager Mr. Chen once again sent his holiday greetings to the family members of the engineering center who are always away from home through this New Year's Eve dinner, and one by one, he toasted to the team of each department one by one to express his affirmation and thanks. The sumptuous New Year's Eve dinner, active atmosphere and sweet chocolate accompanying gifts all made all the family members of Ology feel the warmth and beauty of Ology's big family.

  2021, is a milestone year in the development history of Ology, the company has achieved many honors and achievements ...... but all the honors and performance has been past, 2022, Ology business need to be higher quality, higher speed innovation forward, the new year, a new journey, Ology people gear up again, hand in hand towards a better future! ......, because Ology people have light in their eyes, dreams in their hearts, and power under their feet, Ology people firmly believe that Ology's tomorrow will be even better! Let's all Ology people concentrate, not forgetting the original heart, remembering the mission, and move forward bravely! Ology, go for it! Ology people, come on!