Comply with safety laws and be the first to take responsibility

Publishdate:2022-07-02  Source:  Views:67

Comply with safety laws and be the first to take responsibility

--2022 Safety Month Fire Emergency Evacuation Drill of Hefei Ology Intelligent Equipment System Co.

In order to effectively improve the fire safety awareness of all staff of Ology, and to promote the propaganda work of safety month, especially the in-depth development of summer fire safety work, on July 1, 2022, Hefei Ology Intelligent Equipment System Co., Ltd. organized all staff of the headquarters to carry out fire emergency evacuation drill, with a total of nearly 120 employees to participate in the drill.

At 5:00 p.m., with the order of the commander-in-chief Mr. Chen, the alarm was sounded and the fire safety drill officially started.

The exercise simulated a fire in the office building, the security watchman found the fire, immediately reported to start the fire emergency evacuation plan, and at the same time quickly dialed "119" alarm.

Members of the command group, fire-fighting group, evacuation group, rescue group, and exercise security group, in accordance with the division of labor, methodically cut off the non-fire-fighting power supply, start the fire pumps, and evacuate the employees in the office building and the production workshop.

Subsequently, all the staff gathered to the temporary assembly point on the first floor of the park, the deputy commander-in-chief, Manager Yue of the Safety and Quality Supervision Department, introduced the types of fires, focused on explaining and demonstrating the use of fire extinguishers, and on-site employees observed and learned. The commander-in-chief, Mr. Chen, made a summary speech on the drill, spoke highly of the drill, and asked everyone to pay attention to safety at all times, and to enhance the awareness and ability of self-rescue and mutual rescue in case of emergencies.

The whole drill took 30 minutes, which not only tested the operability of the procedures in the fire emergency evacuation plan of Hefei Ology Intelligent Equipment System Co., Ltd. and strengthened the fire rescue response ability of the emergency personnel, but also improved the safety awareness and fire safety skills of the general staff, and laid a foundation for the efficient and orderly development of safety work.

Comply with the Work Safety Law and be the first responsible person. Attaching importance to safety is an attitude, a responsibility and a realm. Ology has always attached great importance to safety management and integrated it into enterprise operation, culture dissemination, performance management and the specific business work of each post staff to form a standardization, which is also the fundamental reason why Ology has always maintained zero major safety accidents since its establishment. Since entering the safety month, the company has been carrying out all kinds of safety warning education, so as to strengthen the safety awareness of the whole staff and the ability to prevent safety protection. Safety work, there is no probability to speak of, one-vote veto, resolutely put an end to fluke mentality, and effectively safeguard the safety and health of Ology staff, is an important key work that has never been taken lightly in the development of Ology.

Comply with safety laws and be the first to take responsibility

--2022 Safety Month Fire Emergency Evacuation Drill of Hefei Ology Intelligent Equipment System Co.

In order to effectively improve the fire safety awareness of all staff of Ology, and to promote the propaganda work of safety month, especially the in-depth development of summer fire safety work, on July 1, 2022, Hefei Ology Intelligent Equipment System Co., Ltd. organized all staff of the headquarters to carry out fire emergency evacuation drill, with a total of nearly 120 employees to participate in the drill.

At 5:00 p.m., with the order of the commander-in-chief Mr. Chen, the alarm was sounded and the fire safety drill officially started.

The exercise simulated a fire in the office building, the security watchman found the fire, immediately reported to start the fire emergency evacuation plan, and at the same time quickly dialed "119" alarm.

Members of the command group, fire-fighting group, evacuation group, rescue group, and exercise security group, in accordance with the division of labor, methodically cut off the non-fire-fighting power supply, start the fire pumps, and evacuate the employees in the office building and the production workshop.

Subsequently, all the staff gathered to the temporary assembly point on the first floor of the park, the deputy commander-in-chief, Manager Yue of the Safety and Quality Supervision Department, introduced the types of fires, focused on explaining and demonstrating the use of fire extinguishers, and on-site employees observed and learned. The commander-in-chief, Mr. Chen, made a summary speech on the drill, spoke highly of the drill, and asked everyone to pay attention to safety at all times, and to enhance the awareness and ability of self-rescue and mutual rescue in case of emergencies.

The whole drill took 30 minutes, which not only tested the operability of the procedures in the fire emergency evacuation plan of Hefei Ology Intelligent Equipment System Co., Ltd. and strengthened the fire rescue response ability of the emergency personnel, but also improved the safety awareness and fire safety skills of the general staff, and laid a foundation for the efficient and orderly development of safety work.

Comply with the Work Safety Law and be the first responsible person. Attaching importance to safety is an attitude, a responsibility and a realm. Ology has always attached great importance to safety management and integrated it into enterprise operation, culture dissemination, performance management and the specific business work of each post staff to form a standardization, which is also the fundamental reason why Ology has always maintained zero major safety accidents since its establishment. Since entering the safety month, the company has been carrying out all kinds of safety warning education, so as to strengthen the safety awareness of the whole staff and the ability to prevent safety protection. Safety work, there is no probability to speak of, one-vote veto, resolutely put an end to fluke mentality, and effectively safeguard the safety and health of Ology staff, is an important key work that has never been taken lightly in the development of Ology.