Practicing corporate culture Cultivating first-class staff Creating echelon talent structure

Publishdate:2022-07-04  Source:  Views:76

Practice enterprise culture Cultivate first-class staff Build echelon talent structure

--2022 Special Training for the Entry of Executive Trainees of Hefei Ology Intelligent Equipment System Co.

Since its establishment, Ology has always paid great attention to the introduction of talents and talent cultivation. After years of exploration and practice, Ology has formed the corporate vision of "Committed to cultivating first-class employees, becoming a first-class industrial system service and technology expert, and leading the development of the industry", which has been implemented in all business work of the company. Ology combined with its own development, formulated a medium and long-term talent training program, and decomposed into each year of implementation, and strive to 3-5 years to form the echelon talent structure of the old, middle and young generations, to match the needs of the enterprise's future business development.

Every year, the enterprise is based on undergraduate and above institutions of higher learning in and outside the province, introducing all kinds of professional talents, as the enterprise reserve personnel training. 2022, in the epidemic situation, the company actively undertake social responsibility, has recruited dozens of fresh graduates to join Ology in phases, in the graduation season in June, the company ushered in 21 undergraduates and above degree management students focused on the report.

In order to make the tube-trained students understand Ology quickly, comprehensively and systematically, and to help the tube-trained students effectively transform the role of students, adapt to the workplace work of the enterprise, integrate into the big family of Ology, and be competent in their own work, Hefei Ology Intelligent Equipment System Co., Ltd. planned carefully and carried out the "2022 Special Training for the Entry of the Tube-trained Students" on June 28th-30th, and the 21 tube-trained students from Hefei, Anqing, Fuyang and other places, 21 management training students participated in this special training.

The special training for management trainees centered on the dimensions of corporate strategy, corporate culture, employee handbook, talent development and welfare, workplace behavior and etiquette, financial knowledge, work methods, interpretation of craftsmanship and construction concepts, safety and quality, etc., and strived to provide the management trainees with a comprehensive and valuable course system.

After the basic course training, on the afternoon of June 30th, the company arranged a meeting with the heads of departments, instructing masters, and the general manager, in which the heads of departments and representatives of masters put forward their expectations, opinions and requirements for the trainees. General manager Mr. Chen expressed his warm welcome to the management trainees who joined Ology. He hoped that the students would cherish the hard-earned working opportunities under the epidemic, change their personal roles in time, and integrate into the enterprise and the team. At the same time, adhere to the idea and attitude of endless learning, start from the grass-roots level, work hard to learn professional theoretical knowledge, on the basis of masters and predecessors to continue to improve and innovate; in the allocation of various departments to communicate, learn to make clear their own career planning, the company allows students to put forward the demand for planning adjustments only to match the interests of students, to better play the value of students, and to realize the enterprise and individuals to improve and develop together. At the same time, in order to encourage the motivation of the trainees and convey the great importance of the enterprise to the talents, the general manager, deputy general manager, as well as the heads of the strategy, finance, technology, engineering and other departments of the company were involved in the company's trainees' orientation reunion organized on July 1, to give cheer to the students who are entering the workplace.

Before the training report, the company attaches great importance to the prevention and control of the epidemic of the management training students. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the training, the company has formulated strict epidemic prevention and control measures according to the relevant requirements of the Nangang community and strict epidemic management. All the trainees are required to ensure the green health code, no star trip code, 48-hour negative nucleic acid report, no pathway to medium-high risk area for 14 days, and no physical abnormality before they can report. During the training period, arrangements are made to stay in the staff dormitory and have meals in the campus restaurant to reduce unnecessary outings; no piling up, no gathering to ensure the safety and health of all the trainees.

The purpose of the training is to have a better start. After the onboarding training, the 21 students will be assigned to different departments to carry out learning and work in different projects, and the company will make a unified training plan as the basis for each department to train the reserve talents and as the direction and goal of the students' learning. Ology expects every student to apply what they have learned, to improve their own quality and professional skills, to integrate into the enterprise and the team, and to be competent in their jobs.

"The long wind will break the waves sometimes, hanging straight from the cloud sails to help the sea". Ology would like to say to the students: Entering the society, entering the workplace, your life needs to be written with your own diligent hands, practiced with your own down-to-earth efforts, and opened up with your own unremitting and enterprising struggles, but please remember that Ology will be your bridge and your pillar to help you realize your own value and exceed your own expectations in your own workplaces, as well as adding bricks and mortar to the development of the enterprise.

Practice enterprise culture Cultivate first-class staff Build echelon talent structure

--2022 Special Training for the Entry of Executive Trainees of Hefei Ology Intelligent Equipment System Co.

Since its establishment, Ology has always paid great attention to the introduction of talents and talent cultivation. After years of exploration and practice, Ology has formed the corporate vision of "Committed to cultivating first-class employees, becoming a first-class industrial system service and technology expert, and leading the development of the industry", which has been implemented in all business work of the company. Ology combined with its own development, formulated a medium and long-term talent training program, and decomposed into each year of implementation, and strive to 3-5 years to form the echelon talent structure of the old, middle and young generations, to match the needs of the enterprise's future business development.

Every year, the enterprise is based on undergraduate and above institutions of higher learning in and outside the province, introducing all kinds of professional talents, as the enterprise reserve personnel training. 2022, in the epidemic situation, the company actively undertake social responsibility, has recruited dozens of fresh graduates to join Ology in phases, in the graduation season in June, the company ushered in 21 undergraduates and above degree management students focused on the report.

In order to make the tube-trained students understand Ology quickly, comprehensively and systematically, and to help the tube-trained students effectively transform the role of students, adapt to the workplace work of the enterprise, integrate into the big family of Ology, and be competent in their own work, Hefei Ology Intelligent Equipment System Co., Ltd. planned carefully and carried out the "2022 Special Training for the Entry of the Tube-trained Students" on June 28th-30th, and the 21 tube-trained students from Hefei, Anqing, Fuyang and other places, 21 management training students participated in this special training.

The special training for management trainees centered on the dimensions of corporate strategy, corporate culture, employee handbook, talent development and welfare, workplace behavior and etiquette, financial knowledge, work methods, interpretation of craftsmanship and construction concepts, safety and quality, etc., and strived to provide the management trainees with a comprehensive and valuable course system.

After the basic course training, on the afternoon of June 30th, the company arranged a meeting with the heads of departments, instructing masters, and the general manager, in which the heads of departments and representatives of masters put forward their expectations, opinions and requirements for the trainees. General manager Mr. Chen expressed his warm welcome to the management trainees who joined Ology. He hoped that the students would cherish the hard-earned working opportunities under the epidemic, change their personal roles in time, and integrate into the enterprise and the team. At the same time, adhere to the idea and attitude of endless learning, start from the grass-roots level, work hard to learn professional theoretical knowledge, on the basis of masters and predecessors to continue to improve and innovate; in the allocation of various departments to communicate, learn to make clear their own career planning, the company allows students to put forward the demand for planning adjustments only to match the interests of students, to better play the value of students, and to realize the enterprise and individuals to improve and develop together. At the same time, in order to encourage the motivation of the trainees and convey the great importance of the enterprise to the talents, the general manager, deputy general manager, as well as the heads of the strategy, finance, technology, engineering and other departments of the company were involved in the company's trainees' orientation reunion organized on July 1, to give cheer to the students who are entering the workplace.

Before the training report, the company attaches great importance to the prevention and control of the epidemic of the management training students. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the training, the company has formulated strict epidemic prevention and control measures according to the relevant requirements of the Nangang community and strict epidemic management. All the trainees are required to ensure the green health code, no star trip code, 48-hour negative nucleic acid report, no pathway to medium-high risk area for 14 days, and no physical abnormality before they can report. During the training period, arrangements are made to stay in the staff dormitory and have meals in the campus restaurant to reduce unnecessary outings; no piling up, no gathering to ensure the safety and health of all the trainees.

The purpose of the training is to have a better start. After the onboarding training, the 21 students will be assigned to different departments to carry out learning and work in different projects, and the company will make a unified training plan as the basis for each department to train the reserve talents and as the direction and goal of the students' learning. Ology expects every student to apply what they have learned, to improve their own quality and professional skills, to integrate into the enterprise and the team, and to be competent in their jobs.

"The long wind will break the waves sometimes, hanging straight from the cloud sails to help the sea". Ology would like to say to the students: Entering the society, entering the workplace, your life needs to be written with your own diligent hands, practiced with your own down-to-earth efforts, and opened up with your own unremitting and enterprising struggles, but please remember that Ology will be your bridge and your pillar to help you realize your own value and exceed your own expectations in your own workplaces, as well as adding bricks and mortar to the development of the enterprise.