Gratitude, Dreams, New Leaps ......

Publishdate:2022-09-29  Source:  Views:59

Gratitude, Dream, New Leap ......

--- and the nineteenth anniversary of the establishment of Hefei Ology Intelligent Equipment System Co.

Years rush, time flies, from September 27, 2003, founded since then, Hefei Ology Intelligent Equipment System Co., Ltd. has gone through 19 springs, summers, autumns and winters, ushered in its 19th birthday. A thousand sails, a hundred boats, after these nineteen years, Ology has become a company with a certain influence in the industry, at the same time, Ology people in the cooperation with customers, the face of market competition at all times to maintain a courageous, conscientious, and dare to fight for the work attitude; low-profile doer, high-profile work style, has been the customer's affirmation and praise, and withstood the brutal competition in the market, the impact of epidemic! We have been recognized and praised by our customers, and have withstood the cruel competition in the market and the influence of the epidemic.

Spring and autumn, cold and summer, September 27, all Ology people with a grateful heart gathered together to meet the nineteenth birthday of Hefei Ology.

In order to celebrate this special day, the 19th anniversary celebration of Ology was held with the theme of "Thanksgiving, Dream, New Leap ......". Grateful for the past, Ology has a dream in mind, so that we can realize one new leap after another.

At 18:19 on the evening of September 27th, the 19th anniversary celebration dinner of Hefei Ology Intelligent Equipments System Co. Sending away the past 18 years, ushering in the brand new 19 years, looking forward to the next stage of Ology.

At 18:20, the first held Ology enterprise culture new version release, Ren Zhengfei once said: "enterprise culture is the soul of an enterprise, if there is no enterprise culture, this enterprise is only empty skin." Ology has been through the storm for nineteen years, has long precipitated a strong corporate culture, learning organization building, innovation drive, cross-border integration, the first fault-tolerant, intelligent systems, intelligent equipment, and so on, far more than that ...... But the times are progressing, technology is developing, the enterprise in the change, Ology's corporate culture is also closely followed by the company's operating Ology people are unifying their thoughts and firming up the goal of Ology.

18:40 minutes, in September Ology birthday staff to celebrate the birthday link, the birthday staff in September totaled 10 people, by the general manager of the company personally for the 10 birthday gift, with the Division of the same celebration.

18:50 minutes, the company general manager Chen Guojun invited the vice general manager Xu Ping, chief engineer Xu Yinghao, and two founding fathers of Ology to come on the stage, to complete the activities of Ology's 19th birthday of lighting candles, wishing, blowing candles, cutting and dividing the cake, and passing this joy, sweetness, and blessing to every Ology family member ......

At 19:00 minutes, Mr. Chen Guojun, the general manager of the company, made a speech. First of all, Mr. Chen affirmed the dedication and commitment of all Ology people, it is all Ology people with sweat, youth, enthusiasm and willingness to dedication to achieve today's results;

Mr. Chen summarized the following five points:

1、 First of all, Mr. Chen expressed his gratitude to the company's founding fathers, it is their never give up, always stick to it, through the inheritance and drive, there is Ology's development today, at the same time, Mr. Chen emphasized the enterprise culture is a kind of bond, a kind of consciousness, a kind of value, and always take the culture construction as the main body to promote the development of the enterprise.

2, customer-centric, to meet customer needs, customer demand should be highly valued, is the goal of our struggle, the business sector to actively communicate with customers, to explore the potential needs of customers.

3, continuous innovation, drive enterprise development, innovation is the direction of our business strategy, innovation drive is the driving force, Ology to become an innovative company, to become an advanced intelligent equipment manufacturing industry, Ology company as long as the direction of recognition, we have to overcome the difficulties, and unswervingly go to the struggle, go to innovation, go to realize.

4、 Advance with the times, through technology-driven, adding assembly design, electrical control, digitalization, intelligence, to meet the development of the times, to meet the needs of customers.

5、 Continuously improve the company's management structure and management system, optimize the company's organizational structure, workflow, rules and regulations, incentives. Fair and just for everyone to share each piece of "cake", so that we all have "cake" to eat, of course, we have to eat "cake" at the same time, we also have to make "cake". "Of course, while we are eating the cake, we have to make the cake bigger. Ology provides a platform for everyone to show their talents and at the same time let everyone get

OLJ provides a platform for everyone to show their talents, and at the same time, let everyone get a sense of achievement, sense of belonging and sense of harvest.

19:38 officially entered the group dinner session, all the family members to push the cup, lively and extraordinary.

Gratitude is a kind of virtue, an attitude, but also a responsibility, a mission. Looking back, we Ology people in the nineteen years with a grateful and tolerant heart hand in hand, side by side, to create a Ology now brilliant performance, and vitality, unlimited potential.

When the spring wind whisks over the earth, it will bring vitality and hope; when the autumn wind blows over the fields, it will bring the joy of harvest! Not forgetting the original intention, continuing to move forward, grasping the opportunity, hand in hand, let us take the indomitable, hard-working national spirit to forge and realize Ology's new leap, and then create Ology's new glory!

Let's join hands together, go beyond together, give thanks together, chase the dream together, and always be the dream chaser of Ology!

Gratitude, Dream, New Leap ......

--- and the nineteenth anniversary of the establishment of Hefei Ology Intelligent Equipment System Co.

Years rush, time flies, from September 27, 2003, founded since then, Hefei Ology Intelligent Equipment System Co., Ltd. has gone through 19 springs, summers, autumns and winters, ushered in its 19th birthday. A thousand sails, a hundred boats, after these nineteen years, Ology has become a company with a certain influence in the industry, at the same time, Ology people in the cooperation with customers, the face of market competition at all times to maintain a courageous, conscientious, and dare to fight for the work attitude; low-profile doer, high-profile work style, has been the customer's affirmation and praise, and withstood the brutal competition in the market, the impact of epidemic! We have been recognized and praised by our customers, and have withstood the cruel competition in the market and the influence of the epidemic.

Spring and autumn, cold and summer, September 27, all Ology people with a grateful heart gathered together to meet the nineteenth birthday of Hefei Ology.

In order to celebrate this special day, the 19th anniversary celebration of Ology was held with the theme of "Thanksgiving, Dream, New Leap ......". Grateful for the past, Ology has a dream in mind, so that we can realize one new leap after another.

At 18:19 on the evening of September 27th, the 19th anniversary celebration dinner of Hefei Ology Intelligent Equipments System Co. Sending away the past 18 years, ushering in the brand new 19 years, looking forward to the next stage of Ology.

At 18:20, the first held Ology enterprise culture new version release, Ren Zhengfei once said: "enterprise culture is the soul of an enterprise, if there is no enterprise culture, this enterprise is only empty skin." Ology has been through the storm for nineteen years, has long precipitated a strong corporate culture, learning organization building, innovation drive, cross-border integration, the first fault-tolerant, intelligent systems, intelligent equipment, and so on, far more than that ...... But the times are progressing, technology is developing, the enterprise in the change, Ology's corporate culture is also closely followed by the company's operating Ology people are unifying their thoughts and firming up the goal of Ology.

18:40 minutes, in September Ology birthday staff to celebrate the birthday link, the birthday staff in September totaled 10 people, by the general manager of the company personally for the 10 birthday gift, with the Division of the same celebration.

18:50 minutes, the company general manager Chen Guojun invited the vice general manager Xu Ping, chief engineer Xu Yinghao, and two founding fathers of Ology to come on the stage, to complete the activities of Ology's 19th birthday of lighting candles, wishing, blowing candles, cutting and dividing the cake, and passing this joy, sweetness, and blessing to every Ology family member ......

At 19:00 minutes, Mr. Chen Guojun, the general manager of the company, made a speech. First of all, Mr. Chen affirmed the dedication and commitment of all Ology people, it is all Ology people with sweat, youth, enthusiasm and willingness to dedication to achieve today's results;

Mr. Chen summarized the following five points:

1、 First of all, Mr. Chen expressed his gratitude to the company's founding fathers, it is their never give up, always stick to it, through the inheritance and drive, there is Ology's development today, at the same time, Mr. Chen emphasized the enterprise culture is a kind of bond, a kind of consciousness, a kind of value, and always take the culture construction as the main body to promote the development of the enterprise.

2, customer-centric, to meet customer needs, customer demand should be highly valued, is the goal of our struggle, the business sector to actively communicate with customers, to explore the potential needs of customers.

3, continuous innovation, drive enterprise development, innovation is the direction of our business strategy, innovation drive is the driving force, Ology to become an innovative company, to become an advanced intelligent equipment manufacturing industry, Ology company as long as the direction of recognition, we have to overcome the difficulties, and unswervingly go to the struggle, go to innovation, go to realize.

4、 Advance with the times, through technology-driven, adding assembly design, electrical control, digitalization, intelligence, to meet the development of the times, to meet the needs of customers.

5、 Continuously improve the company's management structure and management system, optimize the company's organizational structure, workflow, rules and regulations, incentives. Fair and just for everyone to share each piece of "cake", so that we all have "cake" to eat, of course, we have to eat "cake" at the same time, we also have to make "cake". "Of course, while we are eating the cake, we have to make the cake bigger. Ology provides a platform for everyone to show their talents and at the same time let everyone get

OLJ provides a platform for everyone to show their talents, and at the same time, let everyone get a sense of achievement, sense of belonging and sense of harvest.

19:38 officially entered the group dinner session, all the family members to push the cup, lively and extraordinary.

Gratitude is a kind of virtue, an attitude, but also a responsibility, a mission. Looking back, we Ology people in the nineteen years with a grateful and tolerant heart hand in hand, side by side, to create a Ology now brilliant performance, and vitality, unlimited potential.

When the spring wind whisks over the earth, it will bring vitality and hope; when the autumn wind blows over the fields, it will bring the joy of harvest! Not forgetting the original intention, continuing to move forward, grasping the opportunity, hand in hand, let us take the indomitable, hard-working national spirit to forge and realize Ology's new leap, and then create Ology's new glory!

Let's join hands together, go beyond together, give thanks together, chase the dream together, and always be the dream chaser of Ology!