Hefei Ology Intelligent Equipment System Co., Ltd. was featured on the cover of the latest issue of 2018 (Issue 9) of Today's Beer

Publishdate:2018-10-10  Source:  Views:52

As a leading trade magazine in the beer industry, the latest issue of "Beer Today" magazine (Issue 9) takes Hefei Ology Intelligent Equipment System Co., Ltd. as the cover enterprise and focuses on Mr. Chen's entrepreneurial path and the bits and pieces of enterprise management under the title of "The Entrepreneurial Path of Chen Guojun and Ology Engineering Company", from the article, we can feel Mr. Chen's hardship in founding his enterprise and the complex psychological journey in the early stage of founding. From the article, we can feel Mr. Chen Guojun's hard work in establishing the enterprise and his complicated psychological process in the early stage of establishment. However, under the call of mission, under the inspiration of vision, with the construction of the company's talent team, as well as the advantages of self-built production plant, the article also shows a good vision for the future development of the company. In the upcoming 13th (2018) China International Wine, Beverage Manufacturing Technology and Equipment Exhibition, Hefei Ology Intelligent Equipment System Co., Ltd. will also join hands with integrated solutions and new valve array and other highly core competitive technology exhibitors, booth located in E3 area C34, at that time, we welcome customers as well as partners and so on to visit.

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As a leading trade magazine in the beer industry, the latest issue of "Beer Today" magazine (Issue 9) takes Hefei Ology Intelligent Equipment System Co., Ltd. as the cover enterprise and focuses on Mr. Chen's entrepreneurial path and the bits and pieces of enterprise management under the title of "The Entrepreneurial Path of Chen Guojun and Ology Engineering Company", from the article, we can feel Mr. Chen's hardship in founding his enterprise and the complex psychological journey in the early stage of founding. From the article, we can feel Mr. Chen Guojun's hard work in establishing the enterprise and his complicated psychological process in the early stage of establishment. However, under the call of mission, under the inspiration of vision, with the construction of the company's talent team, as well as the advantages of self-built production plant, the article also shows a good vision for the future development of the company. In the upcoming 13th (2018) China International Wine, Beverage Manufacturing Technology and Equipment Exhibition, Hefei Ology Intelligent Equipment System Co., Ltd. will also join hands with integrated solutions and new valve array and other highly core competitive technology exhibitors, booth located in E3 area C34, at that time, we welcome customers as well as partners and so on to visit.

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