Warmly celebrate the 15th anniversary of the establishment of Hefei Ology Intelligent Equipment System Co.

Publishdate:2018-10-11  Source:  Views:63

On September 26-27, 2018, Hefei Ology Intelligent Equipment System Co., Ltd. grandly held a series of cultural and sports activities to celebrate the 15th anniversary of its establishment.

On the morning of the 26th, in Hefei Golden Seed Stadium, all the departments were actively involved in the happy and positive atmosphere, relay running, tug-of-war, badminton, ping-pong, fun games and other projects were carried out one by one, before the game, the general manager of the company, Mr. Chen Guojun, made an important speech, calling on everyone to exercise their bodies, and devote themselves to the future work and life with full enthusiasm and healthy physique, and all the participants in the game were All participants in the game actively show their own style, and win honor for the team they represent.

After a tense and intense game in the morning, all the staff moved to the Lazy Horse House Beer House on Wuhu Road in the afternoon of the 26th. Fun Guandan Card and Chess Match was held here, and the whole hall was filled with laughter in the afternoon.

On the morning of 27th, the 15th Anniversary Celebration and Staff Appreciation Meeting was held in Hefei Shangri-La Hotel. At the meeting, Mr. Chen Guojun, the founder of the company, made a sincere speech, reviewing the hardships and harvests in the past fifteen years since the establishment of the company on the one hand, and thanking the backbone staffs as well as partners who have made positive contributions to the company's development for so many years on the other hand. The meeting focused on honoring the backbone personnel who have been sticking to their posts in the early days of the company and the employees who have made special contributions to the company.

On the afternoon of 27th, a wonderful 15th anniversary cultural performance was held in the hotel ballroom, and some guests were invited to participate in sharing the joy, and all departments of the company came up with programs rehearsed for many times, including songs, dances, sketches, playing dragon drums, recitations, and interactive games, etc., and one program after another pushed the 15th anniversary celebrations to a new round of climax. In the evening, all the staff of the company celebrated the company's birthday together, opened champagne, cut the cake, this fifteenth anniversary seems to be extraordinarily lively.

Fifteen years for the history is very short, but for a company is a remarkable journey, fifteen years, Hefei Ology Intelligent Equipment Systems Co., Ltd. in the founder of Mr. Chen Guojun under the leadership of intensive cultivation, from scratch, a small team has grown into a comprehensive production equipment covering the brewing, beverages, dairy products, biochemicals, pharmaceuticals, condiments and other businesses integrated solution provider. Solution provider, which has sweat and tears, there are cheers and applause, fifteenth anniversary, a new starting point, Ology, this ship is in the youth of the ship, is riding the waves, creating new miracles, let us look forward to Ology's twentieth, thirtieth, fiftieth, up to the 100th anniversary .......


On September 26-27, 2018, Hefei Ology Intelligent Equipment System Co., Ltd. grandly held a series of cultural and sports activities to celebrate the 15th anniversary of its establishment.

On the morning of the 26th, in Hefei Golden Seed Stadium, all the departments were actively involved in the happy and positive atmosphere, relay running, tug-of-war, badminton, ping-pong, fun games and other projects were carried out one by one, before the game, the general manager of the company, Mr. Chen Guojun, made an important speech, calling on everyone to exercise their bodies, and devote themselves to the future work and life with full enthusiasm and healthy physique, and all the participants in the game were All participants in the game actively show their own style, and win honor for the team they represent.

After a tense and intense game in the morning, all the staff moved to the Lazy Horse House Beer House on Wuhu Road in the afternoon of the 26th. Fun Guandan Card and Chess Match was held here, and the whole hall was filled with laughter in the afternoon.

On the morning of 27th, the 15th Anniversary Celebration and Staff Appreciation Meeting was held in Hefei Shangri-La Hotel. At the meeting, Mr. Chen Guojun, the founder of the company, made a sincere speech, reviewing the hardships and harvests in the past fifteen years since the establishment of the company on the one hand, and thanking the backbone staffs as well as partners who have made positive contributions to the company's development for so many years on the other hand. The meeting focused on honoring the backbone personnel who have been sticking to their posts in the early days of the company and the employees who have made special contributions to the company.

On the afternoon of 27th, a wonderful 15th anniversary cultural performance was held in the hotel ballroom, and some guests were invited to participate in sharing the joy, and all departments of the company came up with programs rehearsed for many times, including songs, dances, sketches, playing dragon drums, recitations, and interactive games, etc., and one program after another pushed the 15th anniversary celebrations to a new round of climax. In the evening, all the staff of the company celebrated the company's birthday together, opened champagne, cut the cake, this fifteenth anniversary seems to be extraordinarily lively.

Fifteen years for the history is very short, but for a company is a remarkable journey, fifteen years, Hefei Ology Intelligent Equipment Systems Co., Ltd. in the founder of Mr. Chen Guojun under the leadership of intensive cultivation, from scratch, a small team has grown into a comprehensive production equipment covering the brewing, beverages, dairy products, biochemicals, pharmaceuticals, condiments and other businesses integrated solution provider. Solution provider, which has sweat and tears, there are cheers and applause, fifteenth anniversary, a new starting point, Ology, this ship is in the youth of the ship, is riding the waves, creating new miracles, let us look forward to Ology's twentieth, thirtieth, fiftieth, up to the 100th anniversary .......