Paying attention to safety, training for emergencies to open up the life passage ——2024 Annual Company-Level Emergency Response Exercise

Publishdate:2024-07-25  Source:  Views:73

With the arrival of the 24th annual National Safety Month, the company's general manager Chen Guojun and deputy general manager Xu Ping instructed the Safety and Quality Supervision Department:

1、the ‘safety month’ activities close to the company's actual production safety profile, and actively carry out a variety of forms, the content of colourful safety training, assessment, drills, production safety is everyone's responsibility. Production safety, full participation. We must closely follow the theme of the month of safety, ‘everyone will talk about safety, each will be an emergency - open the life channel’.

2、In accordance with GB/T 13861-2022 Classification and Code of Dangerous and Harmful Factors in the Production Process, GB 6441-1986 Classification of Enterprise Employee Injuries and Casualties, and the Company's Work Safety Responsibility System, and other relevant standards and systems, we will organize and carry out an emergency rescue drill in the Company's headquarters (Hi-Tech Zone), and we should also take into account that most of the management personnel in our headquarters will be able to ensure that they can take part in the drill, and the time will be set in the middle of June or the beginning of July 2024. The time shall be set in the middle to late June 2024 or early July 2024.

3、The instructions require that the exercise programme set close to reality, offline organizational review. Shall not be set up to ‘play’ scenarios; give full consideration to the safety precautions in the event of accidents and disasters, such as the occurrence of personnel during the exercise to prevent falls, stampedes, wearing long skirts, slippers, high heels, personnel trapped in emergency response; the exercise organizational structure, responsibilities and the exercise of the preparation of materials; safety measures to be taken during the exercise, abnormal disposal; the verification of the company's existing emergency equipment and facilities during the exercise. Preparation; safety protection measures to be taken during the drill, abnormal disposal; drill on the company's existing emergency equipment, facilities testing and verification.

July 5, 2024 at about 10:30 a.m., the supply chain management department west exit, brewing technology department of the northeast door were found 2 fire, the nearby use of fire extinguishers to extinguish the fire; very soon, the fire developed rapidly, the emergency commander in chief after learning that the fire extinguishing failed, and immediately issued an order to evacuate the personnel, while dialling the 119 alarm; start the emergency rescue plan, emergency evacuation execution group were in the company one, The evacuation alarm was issued on the second, third and fourth floors of the company.

Emergency evacuation of staff

After assembling, the chief commander of the drill, Mr Chen, firstly listened to the report of each department on the number of people counting and commented on the evacuation situation.

Training and use of fire fighting equipment

Mr Chen commented after the rehearsal

1、First of all, all members of the exercise group's excellent work and hard work to give full recognition and praise; exercise found that there are also some problems and deficiencies, after the exercise to summarise and send the whole company, each department should organise personnel to study carefully.

2、Emphasise the importance of emergency drills, emergency knowledge can save lives at critical moments, and similar drills should be carried out at least once a year; 2025 calls for the possibility of inviting social and professional organisations to take part in the drills, especially in the event of accidents, to improve the ability of the company's personnel to save themselves and each other.

3、It is pointed out that the head of each department is the first person responsible for the safety of the department, and must fully implement and enforce the system of responsibility for production safety of all levels of personnel in the department, and that everyone is responsible for production safety, and that all personnel are involved in production safety.

4、Requires the company-wide implementation of the‘risk classification and control, hidden trouble detection quality’ safety production dual mechanism control, safety management work is being implemented, inspection and timely rectification.

5、Emphasis was placed on the need to advocate and cultivate a safety culture throughout the company, and the need to progressively standardise production safety.

Mr Chen, the chief commander of the exercise, gave the order to end the exercise and took a group photo with all the participants.

Written by Yue Xianwen


With the arrival of the 24th annual National Safety Month, the company's general manager Chen Guojun and deputy general manager Xu Ping instructed the Safety and Quality Supervision Department:

1、the ‘safety month’ activities close to the company's actual production safety profile, and actively carry out a variety of forms, the content of colourful safety training, assessment, drills, production safety is everyone's responsibility. Production safety, full participation. We must closely follow the theme of the month of safety, ‘everyone will talk about safety, each will be an emergency - open the life channel’.

2、In accordance with GB/T 13861-2022 Classification and Code of Dangerous and Harmful Factors in the Production Process, GB 6441-1986 Classification of Enterprise Employee Injuries and Casualties, and the Company's Work Safety Responsibility System, and other relevant standards and systems, we will organize and carry out an emergency rescue drill in the Company's headquarters (Hi-Tech Zone), and we should also take into account that most of the management personnel in our headquarters will be able to ensure that they can take part in the drill, and the time will be set in the middle of June or the beginning of July 2024. The time shall be set in the middle to late June 2024 or early July 2024.

3、The instructions require that the exercise programme set close to reality, offline organizational review. Shall not be set up to ‘play’ scenarios; give full consideration to the safety precautions in the event of accidents and disasters, such as the occurrence of personnel during the exercise to prevent falls, stampedes, wearing long skirts, slippers, high heels, personnel trapped in emergency response; the exercise organizational structure, responsibilities and the exercise of the preparation of materials; safety measures to be taken during the exercise, abnormal disposal; the verification of the company's existing emergency equipment and facilities during the exercise. Preparation; safety protection measures to be taken during the drill, abnormal disposal; drill on the company's existing emergency equipment, facilities testing and verification.

July 5, 2024 at about 10:30 a.m., the supply chain management department west exit, brewing technology department of the northeast door were found 2 fire, the nearby use of fire extinguishers to extinguish the fire; very soon, the fire developed rapidly, the emergency commander in chief after learning that the fire extinguishing failed, and immediately issued an order to evacuate the personnel, while dialling the 119 alarm; start the emergency rescue plan, emergency evacuation execution group were in the company one, The evacuation alarm was issued on the second, third and fourth floors of the company.

Emergency evacuation of staff

After assembling, the chief commander of the drill, Mr Chen, firstly listened to the report of each department on the number of people counting and commented on the evacuation situation.

Training and use of fire fighting equipment

Mr Chen commented after the rehearsal

1、First of all, all members of the exercise group's excellent work and hard work to give full recognition and praise; exercise found that there are also some problems and deficiencies, after the exercise to summarise and send the whole company, each department should organise personnel to study carefully.

2、Emphasise the importance of emergency drills, emergency knowledge can save lives at critical moments, and similar drills should be carried out at least once a year; 2025 calls for the possibility of inviting social and professional organisations to take part in the drills, especially in the event of accidents, to improve the ability of the company's personnel to save themselves and each other.

3、It is pointed out that the head of each department is the first person responsible for the safety of the department, and must fully implement and enforce the system of responsibility for production safety of all levels of personnel in the department, and that everyone is responsible for production safety, and that all personnel are involved in production safety.

4、Requires the company-wide implementation of the‘risk classification and control, hidden trouble detection quality’ safety production dual mechanism control, safety management work is being implemented, inspection and timely rectification.

5、Emphasis was placed on the need to advocate and cultivate a safety culture throughout the company, and the need to progressively standardise production safety.

Mr Chen, the chief commander of the exercise, gave the order to end the exercise and took a group photo with all the participants.

Written by Yue Xianwen
